Transform Your Vehicle into An Efficient First Call Vehicle

Link’s Family of Suburban Decks deliver everything you demand from a mortuary ramp. This family of ramps will quickly and easily transform nearly any suburban into a mortuary transport vehicle while extending the life and value of the vehicle with the quality that customers have come to expect from Link decks.

SR50 ramp


The SR50 Suburban Ramp provides the protection and professionalism required by today's mortuary transport industry. The sturdy ramp is designed to protect the vehicle from damage often obtained during the loading and unloading of cots. Transform almost any suburban into a first call vehicle in a matter of seconds with no necessary modification. Simply snap the system into place utilizing components standard in the rear of suburban vehicles.

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SR75 Suburban Ramp


The SR75 Suburban Ramp is a combination of quality materials and construction, delivering the industry-best mortuary deck solution for most suburbans. This ramp provides everything industry professionals demand in a mortuary deck system - easy installation, a sturdy deck and reliable security. The deck's design ensures protection for the vehicle while offering a safe, reliable transport system.

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